Dodger Day 2014
Alumni Updates
Brandon Dowling,’11 Political Science and Psychology
After graduating from CI, Brandon attended the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and after receiving his degree he was offered a full-time job as a Communication Specialist at the Los Angeles County Chief Executive Office.
As a Communication Specialist, he serves as a public information officer and coordinates communication policy, media relations, crisis management, branding/marketing, and multimedia productions.
Danielle Kasum,’12 Art
Shortly after graduation, Danielle created a striking resume and paired it with an interesting cover letter that highlighted all of her best qualities and gave employers a glimpse of her personality.
Eventually she landed a job as a designer at Golin, a Public Relations firm in Los Angeles. Danielle works with large companies such as Toyota, McDonalds, Nintendo, Exxon Mobile and more. Her daily duties include conceptualizing and creating graphics that meet her client’s needs.
Jennifer Neely,’12 Communication
After graduating from CI, Jennifer had dreams of starting her own nutrition club on the CI campus. Together with her co-owner, Holly Willard, they were able to make their dream a reality and earlier this year opened their business, Pure Health, in the University’s Town Center.
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© Fall 2014 / Volume 18 / Number 2