Lewis Road Widens
After months of efforts by President Richard Rush and many local elected officials, the widening of Lewis Road became a reality. Breaking ground at a recent ceremony held to commemorate the event were, from left, Tom Mattivi, vice president, Security Paving Co.; Linda Parks, supervisor and chair, Ventura County Board of Supervisors and member, University Site Authority; Douglas R. Failing, director, California Department of Transportation; John Flynn, supervisor, Ventura County Board of Supervisors, and chair of the Ventura County Transportation Commission; Mike Morgan, Camarillo mayor; President Rush; Kathy Long, supervisor, Ventura County Board of Supervisors and member, University Site Authority; Mark Nagales, field representative, Office of Assemblymember Fran Pavley; and Jason Spadaro, district representative, Office of Senator Tom McClintock. Grading has already begun on the road, which will widen Lewis Road from two to four lanes.
Ashish Vaidya Appointed New Dean of the Faculty
Ashish Vaidya, professor of economics, has been appointed dean of the faculty, a key academic position that provides leadership for faculty, curricula, and programs.
Vaidya, who was previously the University's interim dean of the faculty, director of the MBA program, and interim director of the Center for International Affairs, succeeds Stephen Lefevre, who is now associate vice president of academic planning.
Vaidya will provide leadership for the development of faculty excellence in teaching, research, creative activities, and service to the community. In addition, he will make faculty appointments, ensure retention, and make recommendations for tenure and promotion. He will also support and facilitate the development of interdisciplinary programs, which is a hallmark of the University, and review and assess learning program outcomes.
One of Vaidya's first goals is to establish a Dean of the Faculty Leadership Council that will be charged with identifying priorities and creating resources to support them. Local businesspersons and members of the community will work with CSUCI faculty and staff and be involved with the development of the University's programs and its goals for the future.
“I also want to further the University's mission to provide students with international perspectives and experiences,” Vaidya said. “We want to offer opportunities for our students to study abroad and, conversely, to invite international scholars and students to our campus. I want to develop a full range of programs that will create a tradition of diversity and richness for our academic programs.”
CSUCI Benjamin Franklin Distinguished Lecture Series
The second installment of the CSUCI Benjamin Franklin Distinguished Lecture Series took place in March, with Gordon Wood (above, left, with President Richard R. Rush), the Alva O. Way University professor and professor of history at Brown University speaking on the topic of “The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin.” That evening, J.A. Leo Lemay (above, right), the H. F. DuPont Winterthur professor of English, University of Delaware, spoke on “Franklin's Intellectual and Personal Characteristics.”
Speaking earlier in the semester were Carla Mulford, associate professor of English, Pennsylvania State University, and Michael Kammen, the Newton C. Farr professor of american history and culture, Cornell University. The series culminated with author David McCullough presenting the keynote speech at the University's commencement ceremony.
2006 Maximus Awards
The student-created Maximus Awards event honored faculty, staff, students, and members of the campus community. Receiving awards recently were Elisabeth Freeman, student of the year; Bob Mayberry, associate professor of English, faculty member of the year; Bryan Sturgeon, text manager, Follett Higher Education Group, community service member of the year; George Morten, dean of Student Life, administrator of the year; and Lisa Breckenridge, coordinator of special projects and student communication, staff member of the year.