Project PROMESAS is funded by a $6 million U.S. Department of Education, Tittle III, Hispanic-Serving Institutions Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (HSI-STEM) grant. PROMESAS seeks to: improve the academic success, retention, progression and program completion of STEM students; increase the number of Hispanic and other low-income students attaining degrees in STEM; and develop model transfer and articulation agreements between two-year HSIs and four-year institutions in such fields. PROMESAS provides STEM outreach to the community as well as tutoring, peer mentoring, and other student success services at CI.
Mission of Project PROMESAS
Project PROMESAS seeks to increase the number of underserved students (defined as Hispanic and low-income students) interested in pursuing bachelor’s degrees in STEM and the number of students who are succeeding in and graduating from STEM majors at CI. The program encourages cultural diversity as represented by a diversity of worldviews, histories, and cultural knowledge across a range of social groups including those associated with race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, abilities, socioeconomic background, religion, and their intersections.
All CI students are eligible to benefit from services provided by Project PROMESAS.