STEAM Carnival Activities
Below is a map of the A&S STEAM Carnival activities to help you navigate the event and find the activities!
Following is a listing of the activities in each of the zones of the STEAM Carnival.
Wonderland Zone (Blue Tablecloths)
- Marshmallow Cannons (CSUCI Alumni)
- Fun with Physics (CSUCI Physics)
- CSUCI Global Languages Department
- CSUCI Chicano Studies Department
- Upside Down Vision (CSUCI Psychology)
- Crime Scene Investigation
- Virtual Reality for Brain Injury Rehabilitation (CSUCI Health Sciences)
- Air & Waste Management Association, Channel Islands Chapter
- Student Nurses' Association
- Environmental Science and Resource Management (CSUCI)
- Malibu Creek Ecosystem Restoration Project
- Pop-Up Book Making & Paper Arts (CSUCI Library)
- Ekho-location (CSUCI MSTI)
- Leap Lab: Ventura County Science Center
- American Public Works Associates - VC Chapter
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- CSUCI Performing Arts Department
- Ventura County Farm to School
- CSUCI History and Political Science Departments
- CSUCI Art Department
Carnival Zone (Red)
- UC Cooperative Extension
- Tardigrade Hunting (CSUCI Biology)
- CSUCI Mathematics Department
- CSUCI Augmented Reality and Simulation Lab (CSUCI Mathematics)
- WeMech (Rancho Campana High School)
- Make a Motor (Soc. Hispanic Prof. Engineers)
- Zome Zone (CSUCI ASSET Scholars)
- Blinging it up with Science (CSUCI Chemistry)
- Make Your Own Lip Balm (CSUCI Zeta Pi Omega)
- English and ESRM Departments
Imagination Zone (Purple)
- Liquid Nitrogen (CSUCI Chemistry)
- Ventura Water
- Ventura Land Trust/Ventura Wild
- Southern Steelhead Coalition
- Jumping Frogs (CSUCI Biology)
- Bugs and Bees (CSUCI Biology)
- CA Native Plant Society, Channel Islands Chapter
- Native Monarchs
- How Does Your Garden Grow? (CSUCI STEM Corps)
- Santa Monica Mountains Fund and Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
- Friends of California Condors Wild and Free
- Santa Barbara Zoo
- Dissection (CSUCI Biology)
- CSUCI Geology
- Chumash Indian Museum
- Adventures in Archaeology (CSUCI Anthropology)
- Santa Rosa Island Research Station
- Reel Angler Network Inc
- Instant Snow (Pierce College Chemistry)
- Sodium Alginate Beads and Worms (Moorpark College Chemistry)
- Giant Bubbles (CSUCI LSAMP)
- UV Bracelets (CSUCI LSAMP)
- Slime! (Ventura College Chemistry)
- Make Your Own Hair Gel (Ventura College Chemistry)
- Fizzy Bath Salts (CSUCI STEM Corps)
- Thermo Fisher
Tomorrowland Zone (Eggplant)
- Photograph Your Future (CSUCI Admissions)
- Give-Aways
- Campus Tours
Launch Zone (Green)
- MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation
Exploration Zone (Teal)*
- Tye Dye Milk
- Roll, Slide, Stay
- Automatic Balloon Inflator
- Aqueduct/ Discovery Ramp
- Water Works
- Water Wall
- Making Butter
- Tin Can Magnets
- Wrecking Ball Pendulum
- Paper Airplane
- Simple Catapult
- Chalk Spinner
- Juggling
- Infant Area
* activities sponsored by CSUCI Early Childhood Studies and the Camarillo Boys and Girls Club
![Bubble chamber Bubble chamber](/steamcarnival/images/science-carnival-4.jpg)