Map and Locations of Science Activities
A: Launch Zone
Marshmallow Cannon
Air-Powered Rocket Launchers
Coke & Mentos
Alka-Seltzer Rockets
Elephant Toothpaste
C: First Aid Booth
Fake Wounds
E: Demonstration Stage
Flaming Gummy Bear
Colorful Flames
Magnesium Lantern
F: Pyro Zone
Egg in a Bottle
Money on Fire
Gold & Silver Pennies
G: Liquid Nitrogen Effects
H: Discovery Zone
Smoke Rings
Boo Bubbles
Adventures in Archeology
Rocks Rock
Santa Barbara Natural History Museum/ Shedding Light on Matter
DNA Extraction
Instant Snow
How Does Your Garden Grow
Prints from the Past
Build a Buoy/ CI Maritime Museum
MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation
Snap Circuits
Giant Bubbles
K: Exploration Zone
Wind Tunnel
Light Exploration/ Light Projector
Soap Monster
Water Works
Water Wall
Chalk Spinner
Wrecking Ball Pendulum
Magic Sand
Tie Dye Milk
Roll, Slide, Stay
Automatic Balloon Inflator
Making Butter
Aqueduct (Discovery Ramp)
Tin Cans, Magnets, and Loose Parts
Simple Catapult
Paper Airplanes
Cloud Dough
Infant STEM Activities
L: Sensational Zone
Pencil Lead Lightbulb
Electric Pickle
It's Electrifying
Colorful Gases
Spooky Music Maker: Theremin
Human Conductivity
UV Bracelets
Ghost Eggs
Musical Instruments
Screaming Cups
M: Tomorrowland
FIRST Robotics
Ozobot Art
N: Carnival Zone
Giant Operation Game
Berry Drops
Dry Ice Crystal Ball
Dry Ice Carbonation/ Fizzy Punch
Geo. Hot Potato
Rainbow Juice
Agar Spaghetti
Airball Bowling
Physics of Carnival Games
Reaction in a Bag
Magic Pitcher
O: Imagination Zone
Bling-ing it up with Science
Glow Powder Drawing
Make Your Own Lip Balm
Make Your Own Hair Gel
Fizzy Bath Salts
Make Your Own Perfume
Science of Yuck! Slime, Gak, and Flubber
Sodium Alginate Beads & Worms
Pixie Stix
Make a Motor
Make Your Own Stress Ball
Art Bot
Tie Dye Chromatography
P: Wonderland
Ping Pong Ball Accelerator/ Fun with Physics
Owl Pellet Dissection
DNA Extraction
AUV: Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Help Clean Up an Oil Spill
Glow Germ
Wind Power!
Channel Islands National Park
Santa Monica National Rec Area
United Water Conservation District
Ventura County Stormwater Program
Ventura Water
Californian's for Energy Independence
Ocean Acidification
Bed of Nails
Math Fun
Clay-ate the Cardiovascular System
Pig Lungs
Heart Health
CI Bugs and Bees
R: STEM Inspired Zone
Photograph Yourself as a Scientist/ Doctor
Survey station
Glow Germ
COMM 329 Marketing Booth