Volunteers are needed for the School of Arts and Sciences STEAM Carnival to be held Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 1:30 - 5 pm on the CSU Channel Islands campus. STEAM activity volunteers must be on site from 12:30 pm to 6 pm including set-up and take down.
Volunteers are needed to run hands-on STEAM activities. CSU Channel Islands academic programs and student clubs are encouraged to sign-up on this Google Sheet to participate in the STEAM Carnival by either identifying your own hands-on activity or picking one from the list of available STEAM activities. If you are a community partner and you are interested in participating in the STEAM Carnival, contact Dr. Phil Hampton at Philip.Hampton@csuci.edu.
Logistics volunteers help run the administrative, safety and operational booths at the event and play a vital role. Logistics volunteer sign-up will go-live in early September. For additional questions, please feel free to email Sandy Birmingham at Sandra.Birmingham@csuci.edu.